Business Elite 2019

US BUSINESS NEWS / 2019 Business Elite Awards 5 , Dynamic Blending Specialists Best Full-Service Cosmetic Products Manufacturer - Rocky Mountain States erecting new offices and labora- tories, the opportunities for Dy- namic’s growth are vast. Having cultivated a tireless team around them, both Gavin and Jordan will continue to take on exciting new manufacturing projects, whilst never failing to provide anything less than the best client expe- rience available in the contract manufacturing industry. Having created a company that works for the consumer rather than the manufacturer, Dynam- ic continues to be a maverick amongst conservatives. Future adaptation will remain focused around what clients are ask- ing for, and learning from their needs. The result will be an even more successful firm that disrupts the manufacturing land- scape in all the right ways. Company: Dynamic Blending Specialists Contact: Jordan Erskine Web: Founded over five years ago, Dynamic was two men’s an- swer to the contract manufacturing shortcomings, pitfalls, and mistakes that were plaguing the industry. Co-found- ers Jordan Erskine and Gavin Collier came together in 2014 to offer companies flexible contract manufacturing solutions that could help those who were being turned away and having their brands stymied before they could even get to market. Showing the world that the industry could do better, the two co-founders brought the technical know-how and market experience into their new firm, Dynamic. Now, five years on, the firm has grown to include a dedicated team, fully-equipped facility, and thou- sands of executed projects. Under the guidance of Jordan and Gavin, Dynamic has become a full-service turnkey contract manufacturer of cosmetics, personal care, skincare, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and far more. The team is made up of industry experts that boast an extensive background in cosmet- ic chemistry, R&D, formulations, manufacturing, packaging, ship- ping, and quality control. United together by a single goal, every Contract manufacturing was once reserved for large corporations in need of mass production services. However, in the formof Dynamic Blending Specialists, even the small guys can contract smaller quantities for their every business need. A full-service turnkey contract manufacturer of cosmetics and somuchmore, discover the success that has seen the firm recognized in US Business News’ Business Elite Awards. team member remains focused completely on addressing the needs of clients first and fore- most. Whether large corporations are in need of cosmetics, or smaller companies require lower quantities, Dynamic works to address every need equally. Where the firm is truly unique is in its multiple streams of revenue. Dynamic’s financial portfolio has been diversified to not only include manufacturing contracts, but marketing services and joint-ventures as well. The joint-venture program enables the firm to take an equity stake in companies whose visions align with its own, bolstering revenue streams and contributing to Dy- namic’s overall financial stability. Alongside the reinforced financial state, the team also gain eclectic knowledge of the cosmetic industry that other manufacturing companies simply do not have. Prior to the establishment and success of Dynamic, the contract manufacturing industry had reached a point of stagnation. Rather than remain consum- er-friendly, the industry had be- come complacent and remained manufacturer-friendly. Born from an insight into how the industry could be improved to better suit everyone involved, the company is now constantly helping smaller businesses and those individuals who have great ideas but don’t need to buy larger quantities. As other large contract manu- facturing firms have continued their own race to see who can perform bigger contracts faster for a cheaper cost, Dynamic has set itself apart as a beacon of brilliance. Never boastful about stocking large quantities, cheap ingredients, or having ready-made, underwhelming and easy-to-make formulas, the firm instead offers a premium manufacturing experi- ence to entrepreneurs who want to disrupt the industry. Whether cre- ating 1,000 units, or 250,000 units, Dynamic can deliver key solutions to any one of its stable, motivated and diverse client base. Looking ahead, the firm is currently undergoing rapid and aggressive expansion. From building new cleanrooms, to Nov19110