Understanding the Canadian job market can be crucial when you’re getting ready to seek new employment opportunities in this country. The more you know about what the market is doing, the easier it can sometimes be to prepare yourself for the application process. Your newfound knowledge may even improve your chances of landing your dream job. With that in mind, here are some of the essential facts you need to know about the job market in Canada in 2024.

Most Employers Are Performing Background Checks

Business owners only want to hire people they can trust and rely on to perform the jobs they’re trained to do without any legal implications. That might be why background check providers like Triton Canada are kept busy. They help business owners learn the backgrounds of potential new employees, shedding light on their educational backgrounds, employment history, and criminal records.

According to an HR Research Institute study, 96% of employees perform background checks for part-time and full-time employees. At least 59% perform them as part of the hiring process, while another 12% perform them because they’re required to do so by law. Knowing that your potential new employer might perform a background check on you, you may be more inclined to ensure your resume and cover letter are entirely accurate. 

Employers Are Facing Worker Shortages

Many industries across Canada are experiencing worker shortages, including accommodation, manufacturing, food service, and construction. These shortages are believed to be caused by Canada’s aging population, shifting priorities, and Generation Z taking longer to finish school than previous generations. 

Some Jobs Are More In-Demand Than Others

There was a significant shift in the job market in 2023, creating some interesting changes in 2024. The most in-demand jobs are now in fields such as: 

  • Transportation
  • Education
  • Foodservice
  • Healthcare
  • Technology 

These jobs are highlighted in the Provincial Nominee Program in Canada, meaning that overseas applicants with aligned skills may find it easier than before to secure employment in Canada. 

Employees Need to Learn Remote Skills

Many businesses are now adopting remote and hybrid work models. This means employees can tap into their employer’s cloud-based network and work from anywhere. While many traditional office workers and their employers understand the benefits of remote work, not all employees have remote work skills to help them thrive with this new work model. 2024 can be the year that office workers refine their remote work skills to boost productivity and enjoy more convenience. This can involve: 

  • Undergoing cloud network training
  • Learning about cyber security
  • Creating a dedicated workspace
  • Learning about using remote software 

Job Postings Have Been Declining

Despite there being hundreds of thousands of job vacancies in Canada, job postings have been steadily declining. A 2024 Indeed report found that they were down 29% year-over-year from mid-November, contributing to a slower hiring pace. Weak growth was expected to continue, but unemployment spikes could be avoided if layoff rates remained low. They currently sit at around 25% below pre-pandemic levels. 

Being aware of job market trends in Canada can be helpful for those entering the job market for the first time or seeking new employment opportunities. These 2024 trends may shed light on what to expect when the time comes to apply for your dream job.