Q4 2019

18 US BUSINESS NEWS / Q4 2019 , The New York and Tel Aviv based start-up Dynamic Infrastructure is implementing the world’s first deep-learning solution which allows bridge and tunnel owners and operators to obtain visual diagnosis of the assets they manage. The system provides live, cloud-based, 3D views of the bridge or tunnel and automatically alerts when changes are detect- ed in maintenance and operation conditions - before the issues evolve into large-scale failures. With huge Opex and Capex positive impact, Dynamic Infra- structure is already conducting projects in the U.S., Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Israel with different transportation infrastructure stakeholders. The company’s clients operate a total of 30,000 assets, ranging from Departments of Transportation to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and private companies. Dynamic Infrastructure quickly creates “medical records” for every bridge, tunnel and elevated highway, based on existing images taken through periodi- cal condition inspections along the years, including images from smartphones, drones and laser scanning. The proprietary technology compares old and archived images to new ones, detecting maintenance and operation issues, defects and anomalies. Like MRI for humans , One of the World’s First Deep-Learning Solution Dynamic Infrastructure implements deep AI technology to prevent bridges and tunnels from collapsing. the 3D “medical records” serve as the basis for the alerts on chang- es in maintenance conditions. The diagnostics can be easily ac- cessed through a simple browser and can be instantly shared with peers and contractors to speed maintenance workflows and increase return on investment. Dynamic Infrastructure, which op- erates from New York, Berlin and in Israel, was founded in 2018 by Saar Dickman and Amichay Cohen. Dickman and Cohen col- laborated with a group of industry experts in the US and Europe who share the same vision – creating visual medical records for mega infrastructure elements, focusing on the challenging conditions of bridges and tunnels. Prior to Dynamic Infrastructure, Dickman served as VP Automo- tive Cyber Security at Harman, a Samsung-owned company, fol- lowing the successful acquisition of TowerSec, his previous compa- ny, by Harman. Amichay Cohen served as the CEO of Carmel Tunnels and is currently acting as the COO of D.E Highways Man- agement, where he is responsible for an annual revenue of $350 million, operating toll-roads and toll tunnels. “The world faces an infrastruc- ture crisis,” said Saar Dickman, co-founder and CEO of Dynamic Infrastructure. “Specifically, deficient bridges and tunnels represent a severe infrastructure challenge in the US and world- wide and their poor condition leads to life losses and millions in unplanned expenditures. Trying to repair America’s deficient infra- structure without adopting new technologies will not work. Tech- nology allows you to change the equation of one-dollar problem equals one dollar of solution. A single dollar of the right technol- ogy in the right place can save much more than one dollar of maintenance of a bridge.” Dickman continued: “Till recently, there has been no effective system that can quickly and precisely identify defects in bridges throughout their lifetime. We provide actionable monitor- ing and alerts that can better manage expenditures and help prevent the next collapse. We are bringing the data revolution to the decision-making process of bridges and tunnel mainte- nance based on our cutting-edge imagery analysis.” In total, there are more than 616,000 bridges in America. Of those, more than 47,000 are structurally deficient and need urgent repairs, according to a report issued earlier this year by the American Road & Trans- portation Builders Association (ARTBA). Americans cross these deficient bridges 178 million times a day. The average age of a structur- ally deficient bridge is 62 years. More than 235,000 (38%) of
