N America News April 2017

62 NORTH AMERICA NEWS / APRIL 2017 , The SABRE-Security Equipment Corporationmission is straightforward: Keeping you and your loved ones safe. SABRE is the no. 1 pepper spray trusted by police and consumers worldwide. Family owned and operated withmore than four decades leading the industry, SABRE is one of the foremost names in the industry, providing best-in-class personal safety, home security, and law enforcement products. Giving You Peace of Mind We strive to protect, educate and empower our customers - so that, in the face of danger, they are equipped with not only powerful products, but knowledge as well. We believe everyone should be protected so they can live a safe, healthy life with peace of mind. Safe Is Smart. SABRE - Security Equipment Corporation is the world’s largest pepper spray manufacturer, providing police-strength protection to consumers and law enforcement alike, all across the globe. We’ve spent more than 40 years leading the safety and security market. Our diverse product line includes: • Law enforcement aerosol pepper spray and gel projectors; • Civilian self-defense pepper sprays and gels; • Stun guns; • Personal alarms; • Pepper spray & self-defense classes; • Dog spray; • Bear spray and; • Home security alarms and systems. We stand apart from the competition in several ways: #1 pepper spray trusted by police worldwide Law enforcement agencies on six continents and in more than 40 countries carry SABRE. The same strength and potency that the police carry is also available to consumers! Commitment to consumer education We make ourselves available to the public as a safety resource, because your safety is our passion and our business. All buyers receive a free video which helps make them better prepared and more confident to use their pepper spray, stun gun, or other personal safety product. Additionally, SABRE offers a wealth of information on our blog. This information is designed to show you how to use your product effectively, while reducing your risk of needing to use the product at all—making sure that people not only know how to use our products, but are also aware of issues such as dangerous myths and misconceptions (Voltage Myth video; Wasp Spray Myth video). The SABRE Quality Assurance HPLC Guarantee We strive to produce the most effective pepper sprays and personal safety products that will help protect our customers in the moments they need them most. From the time the red peppers get to our factory in the form of concentrate, to the time they enter a customer’s hand in our award-winning packaging – they are put to the test! Each batch of pepper spray and pepper gel is tested in our exclusive High Performance Liquid Chromotography (HPLC) Laboratory - nothing leaves our factory unless it meets our high standards! HPLC technology is the industry’s #1 advantage— and it is exclusive to SABRE. Our in-house lab eliminates the 30% heat failure rate experienced with other brands (University of Utah study). What does ‘HPLC’ mean? HPLC stands for high performance liquid chromatography. This technology is the only way to ensure there are no pepper spray failures on the basis of heat inconsistency. The process eliminates the possibility of bad batches. It guarantees the maximum strength of SABRE pepper spray. We are proud to provide the most consistent level of pungency possible to further increase our users’ safety and peace-of-mind. Community and Charitable Involvement We want to better our communities on a local, national and global scale. Here are just a few ways we try to help those around us. National Breast Cancer Foundation - Our best-selling pepper spray benefits National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) – and that’s just one of our models that helps raise money for the nonprofit. We’ve donated more than $1.4 million to help in the search for a breast cancer cure. Shop our pink NBCF models to make your own contribution at sabrered.com/Pink. Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) - Our partnership with RAINN not only includes our RAINN Personal Alarm with Key Ring, but it also has included a blog series that gave sexual survivors a chance to share their stories and resources they found helpful in the wake of violence. Read first-hand stories and find out how you can support RAINN at sabrered.com/survivor-stories. SABRE also donates to RAINN each time someone takes a SABRE® Personal Safety Academy Class. Kuros!TM - Kuros! is a company dedicated to providing women in developing nations with pepper spray. A portion of the proceeds from each domestic purchase of the Kuros! Key Case Pepper Spray with Quick Release Key Ring helps provide low-income women at high risk of sexual assault with their own pepper spray. 1704CA24

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