Legal Elite Awards 2017

practitioners who function as loosely attached outside counsel to address the needs of smaller businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of the corporate and business division of ADLI, which is already being fulfilled for our existing clients, is to use our experience and high- end technology to provide an appropriate, efficient and effective service platform for the entire spectrum of business clients and their transactions. The result is a firm that can simultaneously serve small start-ups and individual entrepreneurs, as well as large institutional entities. “By way of example, in 2015 and early 2016, the firm’s business transactional department closed transactions for a significant Japanese manufacturing concern with two large European apparel and optical products companies (just to name a few of the transactions handled for our larger clients). At the same time, the group serviced and continues to service a massive and growing stable of start-up technology businesses with great promise to mature into established entities and clients in their own right. Our service is dictated by the needs of the client and the individual transaction or series of transactions, as we believe the provision of effective legal counsel should always be, not by the rigid needs of a legal services institution that arrogates to itself something independent of the needs of its clientele.” Company: ADLI Law Group Contact: Ashley Le Grand Contact Address: [email protected] Address: 444 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, California, 90071, USA Phone: 001 213 537 1333 Website: