N America News May 2017

114 NORTH AMERICA NEWS / MAY 2017 , disABLEDperson, Inc. is a public charity organization committed to helping people with disabilities find employment. The Charity has just received Corporate America’s ‘Ones toWatch in Recruitment – 2017’ award. Mike Corso, Programs and Partnership Director, discusses about the charity’s mission and work. Job Seeking Aid for the Disabled Mission disABLEDperson, Inc. is a premier Job Board for people with disabilities launched in 2002. We aim to increase the rate of disability employment for our community members. “Help me find a job” is a phrase that many in our community ask us daily. They want to know that if they conduct a job search on our job search website that it will help them in finding a job. Finding employment We want to help you, a person with a disability find employment. Our site enables you to post your resume and look through our job listings. Our site offers both email and SMS texting job alerts. Sign up and get job listings sent to you every day. Even though our sites are nationally based, you can search for local job listings by simply using our advanced job search functionality. We work hard with proactive employers to secure available positions. Each day, we have on average over 2000 Unique Visitors per job board. Both of our job boards boast close to 250,000 active jobs at any given time. That includes hundreds and even thousands of new jobs posted daily. Special features of disABLEDperson, Inc. include: Direct job postings by the employer or the employer’s representative. This means that you can be assured that the job posting that you found through your jobs search is relevant. Our motto is “Community, Not Profit Driven”. Ours is simply to serve. That is why our pricing points for employers to post a job is so low. Scholarships for college students with disabilities. We do this for both the fall and spring semesters. The awards are now up to $1000. We hope to increase these awards in the future. Our site has been made accessible as per 508 Standards. We have received a glowing report from the U.S. Office of Accessibility. We hope you enjoy. Microsoft Imagine Academy. We work with State Departments of Vocational Rehabilitation and the United States Military offering individuals with disabilities and our country’s heroes, our Wounded Warriors marketable job skills free as a public service. disABLEDperson, Inc. was featured in WalletHub’s recent study examining 2015’s best & worst cities for people with disabilities You can find the piece here: wallethub.com/edu/ best-worst-cities-for-people-with- disabilities/7164/#diana-corso Disability corner is a premier provider in helping individuals obtain the Social Security disability benefits they have already applied for, or if you have been denied. Disability Corner can also help you apply for Social Security benefits (SSDI or SSI) if you haven’t already. Company: Disabledperson Inc Name: Mike Corso Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.disabledperson.com Address: Encinitas, California, 230636, USA Telephone: +1 760 420 1269 1702CA24

http://flex.com/ http://hcflcpa.com/ http://melbourneballroom.com/ http://wallethub.com/edu/ http://www.adrdu.com/ http://www.disabledperson.com/