2019 Mexican Business Excellence Awards

4 LATIN AMERICA NEWS / Mexican Business Excellence Awards 2019 , Jul19560 Moce Ingeniera S.A. De C.V. Best Industrial & Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturers 2019 Withmore than 15 years of experience in the manufacture and integration of original equipment Moce Ingeniera S.A. De C.V. is able to create innovative solutions for a range of applications and clients. As part of our overview of a selection of this year’s Mexican Business Excellence Awards winners we profile the firmand share an insight into how far it has come since it first began. Initially called MOCE Industrial and only specialized in the field of machinery, Moce Ingeniera has since flourished. In 2010 the firm we grew in experience and developed the areas of integration and automation, and today the firm is able to support a wide range of clients and offer them the unique solutions they are striving for. These clients include household names and industry leaders such as BMW, Ford and Valeo. For these varied and discerning clients, Moce Ingeniera offers a range of design, engineering and bespoke project solutions designed to meet their exact requirements, no matter how specific they may be. As a result of its expertise and industry knowledge, the firm has worked on over 500 projects over the years, and now boasts a talented workforce of more than 200 staff, all of whom are dedicated to driving excellence on every project. Deeply committed to meeting the needs of its clients, Moce Ingeniera has a quality management certificate ISO 9001-2015, which means that clients know when they work with this dynamic company they are in safe and reliable hands. Proudly a 100% Mexican company, Moce Ingeniera is able to combine its local knowledge with its industry- leading experience to drive real excellence for everyone it has the privilege to work alongside. Operating throughout Mexico and the United States, the firm has the infrastructure to support a wide range of projects both big and small. Constantly working to integrate the latest market trends into their work, the firm’s team is focused on crafting sustainable solutions that meet tomorrow’s needs, today. With various facilities across Latin and North America, Moce Ingeniera is able to meet the diverse needs of its clients and craft for them unique solutions that cannot be found elsewhere. As a result, the firm is constantly ahead of its competitors in the market and has marked itself out over the years as the best possible option for clients throughout a variety of sectors and industries. Overall, Moce Ingeniera is on a mission to develop projects for the integration of equipment and assembly lines, providing effective and quality solutions to its customers, through continuous improvement and the integral development of its people. With the ambitious aim to be the leading company in the development of projects of integration of equipment and assembly lines, competitive and strongly oriented to the satisfaction of our customers, highlighted by the excellence of its people in integral innovation, the firm has many exciting opportunities in store for it over the years to come. Company: Moce Ingeniera S.A. De C.V. Contact: Claudia Vargas Website: moceingenieria.com

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