Mexico Business Awards 2018

6 LATIN AMERICA NEWS / Mexican Business Excellence Awards 2018 , Best Agricultural Software Solutions Provider 2018 Drawing on the vast experience of its creators, SMATTCOM is an innovative agricultural software solution. We profile this creative app to learnmore about the unique range of benefits it has to offer. SMATTCOM started from the vision of its founding partners, who have been active members of the Mexican Agroindustry for almost 20 years. The resulting application is a development tailored to the needs of producers and marketers in Mexico, and from conducted studies, also in the world. Through Sistemas Agro App, developer of SMATTCOM, the partners have planned specific complementary developments that solve specific needs throughout the entire production cycle and the supply chain. Today, SMATTCOM achieves that buyers and sellers can refer to the same product by including specific criteria of the products by selecting quality, size and package, with which the app makes the match between the interested users finding the specific product. The app connects producers, distributors and consumers at national and international level, it integrates wholesales markets, both locally and at the borders, allowing wholesale clients and mid-wholesalers, to find the opportunities of the products that go on sale during the day through sales publications by the users. The firm aims to increase business participation in the agriculture sector by keeping its users informed through a price monitor for each product classification, both national and international. It shows the information in real time and in a historical way for each market, which is fed by all the sales publication that the users make, maintaining the confidentiality and allowing guidance for decision making. As more people join this transformation, the benefit becomes collective for the entire industry, local and international, especially by increasing the efficiency of commercial transactions. As an innovative company, Sistemas Agro App have the firm belief that it is transforming the agricultural sector, and that the satisfaction of its users is of vital importance. This is why in SMATTCOM, the team apply their own unique benchmarking model, executing continuous improvements and including new functionalities. To achieve its objectives and ensure continual excellence, the firm has a specialized team in different areas that provide service and support to users, identifying their needs and resolving their doubts through various communication channels, to ensure total understanding and the best experience possible. Ultimately, SMATTCOM is promoting a total transformation within the industry. The team believes that the future is in properly directing technology to specific problems, and whilst they know that there are external factors that may affect their development, they are confident that their firm is are on the right track, as it has been continually growing and prospering since inception. The team already has a broad portfolio of additional applications that solve problems ongoing industry issues and that will be an excellent complement to the SMATTCOM application, and as such they anticipate ongoing success over the years to come. Additionally, on the horizon is an exciting partnership between CANACINTRA and SMATTCOM, which represents one of the firm’s most useful strategic alliances. CANACINTRA is the corporate body that represents the legitimate interests of the Industrial Sector of Mexico, considered the most important in Latin America thanks to its coverage, representativeness, and infrastructure. This year the organisation incorporates the agro-industrial sector into its objectives by working with SMATTCOM. This Alliance will allow that producers, distributors and consumers of MEX18002 perishable products to be able to be integrated in an economy that is collaborative, thus achieving the collective benefit throughout the supply chain, objective trace of foreign trading, causes a better presence of the product. Alongside this, with the alliances that are taken with other companies from other countries, the collaboration positions SMATTCOM as an intercontinental platform of innovation and positioning with economic benefits without precedent for the industry. Company: SMATTCOM Contact: Adolfo Alvarez Address: Bodega N34 plant, Colonia Central de Abasto, Iztapalapa Delegation, C.P. 09300, Mexico City, Mexico Phone: 52 55 2155 5552 Website: