Mexico Business Awards 2018

LATINAMERICANEWS / Mexican Business Excellence Awards 2018 19 , Tax Accountant of the Year 2018 – Tabasco Smart Fiscal Solutions, is amultidisciplinary company, specialized in solving and reducing legal, accounting, fiscal and financial risks, by analyzing the economic infrastructure of our clients, identifying areas of opportunity, making improvements in each of them, making a profile of the company and we spoke with Yeri Gisela Castillo Bautista, who gave us more information about the successful company. Smart Fiscal Solutions provides customized and strategic solutions that contribute to the commercial success of its clients, through high quality services with responsibility. When beginning to work with a new client, Yeri informs us of the steps that were taken to guarantee that the general results satisfy the needs of their clients. “First of all, we started by identifying and analyzing areas for improvement, the key questions could be the following: Is there a problem, why is this problem happening, who is causing it, or how can I solve this problem?” After this, We formulate an improvement plan that helps our clients to visualize the activities that will be developed, estimating the time required to solve or minimize any risk, in addition to this, we provide reports on the progress in the implementation of the strategies, until the completion of the project, then we evaluate the satisfaction of our clients, to know their opinion about the ervice they received “. Smart Fiscal Solutions: Proposes services that start MEX18018 from the initial analysis of each company to determine the areas of opportunities and strengths, where multidisciplinary opinions intervene that provide conclusions to make improvements that impact economically, laborly, administratively, legally and financially to the commercial or service entity . Ceasing to be a monetary Sacrifice to manage the company dissolving the errors that affect money and laceran personal wealth. Smart Fiscal Solutions, is based on a professional culture, where it cares about having a trained, expert and specialized staff, who has the ability to handle the various projects and the advice requested by customers. This dedicated team helps companies stay at the forefront of emerging developments, through a professional and personalized service. Having as best strength the professional ability to successfully solve business contingencies achieving significant financial costs reduction. “What awaits Smart Fiscal Solutions in the future is the growth and recognition of their talent and success stories, breaking down barriers within the business industry. Contact: Yeri Gisela Castillo Bautista Company: Smart Fiscal Solutions, IOS offices 2nd. Floor DG Tower, AV. Ruiz Cortinez 1344 Villahermosa, Col. Tabasco 2000, Tabasco. C.P. 86035, Mexico Telephone: 55 9932332219 Web address: