2017 Brazilian Excellence Awards

6 LATIN AMERICA NEWS / Brazilian Excellence Awards 2017 , “Innovation is in our DNA, and we believe in providing the best solutions and services for our clients, partners and staff. This has enabled us to constantly be first movers without compromising on our core business. “To ensure that we consistently offer the best quality, we design, develop and manufacture. We have complete control over every step of the process. We always strive to achieve the highest standards of quality control and technical excellence, as well as continuous investment and product range development. The company holds the prestigious ISO9001 certification for quality management systems, which is a reflection of the company’s commitment to quality assurance across our entire operations. Our products are built on industry standards, enabling us to partner with best-in-class technology vendors. Using sustainable, eco-friendly design principles, we also aim to minimize overall environmental impact, through lower power consumption, flame-retardant housing, more efficient packaging and better recyclability, all of which not only reduce environmental impact, but also lower operating costs.” Alongside its solution, Joao describes what else differentiates Canadian Solar from its competitors, as it looks to be leader within the industry. He is keen to highlight the main reason for the existence of the company, looking to help everyone it can, including its own staff. Its services, its customer service, internal working culture and vision all contribute to making the firm the best possible option for clients. “Canadian Solar exists to Make the Difference, to customers, colleagues, partners, investors and all whose lives we touch. We are also here to make a positive difference to the environment and society as a whole. We do this by providing exceptional solar products and services that meet the specific needs of customers, employees, partners and investors.” Regarding what the future holds for the company, Joao predicts an exciting time going forward, as he comments on the continuous expansion in terms of strategy, distribution and sales projects. He signs off by listing what developments he foresees within the industry, and how Canadian Solar will again adapt, something the team has already proven itself to be adept that. “Ultimately, the future for our business has a lot in store; we see continuous sales growth and remain focused on the main strategic customers for distribution and small projects. We are continuously enhancing our product portfolio to ensure the continued improvement of conversion efficiency, product quality and production capacity. We aim to keep being a top PV module manufacturer. We have a pipeline in Brazil estimated at 20GW by 2020.”

http://www.canadiansolar.com/ http://www.ramboll.com/