2018 Business Elite Awards - US Business News

6 US BUSINESS NEWS / 2018 Business Elite Awards , looking for a speaker for a virtual or live event, Tina Brinkley Potts is a powerhouse. She speaks on topics such as online marketing, business growth, leadership and thriving against all odds, just to name a few. Through her work at Tina Brinkley Potts LLC, Tina works closely alongside her clients to get them noticed and drive them to reach their target market and engage with them. Taking action quickly on the new online and mobile marketing platforms will produce results (leads and customers) more quickly and give clients greater competitive advantage, and as such Tina works swiftly, in close collaboration with her clients, to ensure that they achieve the result they want. She works alongside them to build their program incrementally, because she understands that doing everything at once helps clients to control costs by paying for it with new leads and customers. She also supports them in integrating all the elements of their brand so they work most powerfully with each other; these include search engines, video, social media, and mobile marketing. By planning, executing and managing her clients’ online social media and mobile marketing program for them, Tina ensures that her clients’ business reaps the benefits without taking on the strain. Working closely with clients from the beginning of the project through to its completion Tina is able to make sure that every client feels supported when they work with Tina Brinkley Potts LLC. Looking to the future, Tina Brinkley Potts LLC has a bright future ahead as Tina seeks to continue supporting a wide range of clients and driving them to success. She will continue to work with a vast array of businesses and individuals, and will be seeking to further enhance her already impressive service offering to meet her clients’ ever- evolving needs and exceed their rapidly rising expectations.

http://www.lauracreativeadvantage.com/ http://www.tinabrinkleypotts.com/