2022 North America Business Award Packages

PACKAGE EXAMPLES thenewworldreport.com New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

About the North America Business Awards introduction Introduction We here at New World Report are pleased to announce the return of the North America Business Awards for 2022. North America is home to some of the world’s most successful corporations, small to medium enterprises and initiatives. It is a region that places diversity, innovation, and progressive thinking at the head of its day-to-day business operations. The opportunities available to business owners, employees and consumers are extensive and this has enabled the region to build and maintain a reputation as one of, if not the best place to do business today. Since its inception in 2017, the North America Business Awards have aimed to honor the businesses and individuals whose efforts have generated outstanding products and services for the diverse clientele found across this region and this year, things are no different. Taking part in the North America Business Awards 2022 is an ideal way to show your employees that their efforts are valued by the organization, whilst also providing the public with evidence of your success as an enterprise. Not only this but notifying stakeholders of your participation in our awards program indicates that your business is creating a buzz within the sector and attracting attention from third parties. The North America Business Awards 2022 are open to all businesses from all industries operating within North America area, including Construction and Engineering, Consumer Goods, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Finance, IT and Communications, and many more. Complimentary Access to the official press release & listing in the annual SEO directory

packages Bronze Package Full page editorial Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Shipping included 807 USD Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

packages Silver Package Double page spread Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Shipping included 1,155 USD Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE DATE New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

packages Gold Package 1,851 USD Your company logo on the Front cover Double page spread Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Shipping included Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE DATE New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

packages Platinum Package 3,475 USD Supporting front cover image & headline Double page spread Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital brochure Shipping included Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE DATE New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

packages The Editor’s Choice Package 5,795 USD Main front cover image & headline 4-page editorial 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital brochure 100 high quality copies of your 8-page brochure 1,600 Word Web Article published on the NWR Website Shipping included Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE DATE New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS

single items Single items Bespoke trophy: 406 USD *Shipping Included* Slate trophy: 406 USD *Shipping Included* Wall plaque: 406 USD *Shipping Included* Personalised digital logo: 290 USD Personalised digital certificate: 290 USD Shipping included on all physical individual items Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE DATE New World Repor t Awards 2022 NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS Company Name Award Title New World Repor t 2022 Awards NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS