2017 Canadian Enterprise Awards

4 CORP AMERICA / CA Enterprise Awards 2017 , Island Telecom Inc. is a provider of telecommunications services in Prince Edward Island, Canada. We profile the firm to learnmore about the secrets behind its success. Best Telecommunications Service Provider – Maritimes & Most Trusted Wireless Network Service Provider - Prince Edward Island N STB17005 Founded in 2014, Island Telecom services the vast majority of the province of Prince Edward Island with a combination of cable, DSL, fibre optic, and fixed- wireless connectivity options and provides gigabit fibre service under the Optra brand name in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. It also provides high quality digital phone service on its cable, Optra fibre, and next-generation fixed-wireless networks. Specialising in fibre optic networks, fiber optic networks, telecommunications, fixed wireless, wireless local loop, DSL, broadband cable Company: Island Telecom Contact: Daniel Mullen Contact Email: [email protected] Address: 1 West Drive Summerside, Prince Edward Island, C1N 6T6, Canada Phone: 001 506 694-2102 K networks, and microwave communications, the firm is able to provide clients with the very highest standards of service and support. Looking to the future, Island Telecom will continue to develop its service offering to meet the ever evolving needs of its clients in this fast paced market. Despite being a young company the firm has come a long way since inception, and is keen to build upon this as it looks towards a bright and exciting future.

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